Join us in Our Mission

Our Mission.

At Hattie’s House, we believe that no family should face the challenge of medical treatment away from home alone. Our mission is to support families by covering the cost of housing and offering encouragement and support during their stay. We understand that the journey to healing often requires families to be together, and we are dedicated to making this possible.

Why Hattie’s House?

Many complex medical treatments necessitate extended stays in the city where care is provided. These stays can last from 30 days to six months. The financial burden of staying in a California hotel, averaging $200-$250 per night plus food costs, can be overwhelming for families already facing the stress of medical treatment. Hattie’s House removes this barrier by providing a safe and comfortable place to stay at no cost

The Impact of Staying Together

Research shows that families who stay together during medical treatment experience better healing outcomes. The emotional support and comfort of being with loved ones can significantly enhance the recovery process. By keeping families together, Hattie’s House not only provides financial relief but also fosters an environment conducive to healing.

How you Can Help

Your support can make a profound difference in the lives of families facing medical challenges away from home. Here are some ways you can contribute:

    • For a week

    • For a month

    • For three months

    • For a year

    • For three years

    • For five years

    • Become a Doorman/Doorwoman ambassador

    • Provide arrival baskets

    • Offer grocery delivery

    • Donate gas cards and meal cards

    • Participate in coffee visits

By supporting Hattie’s House, you help families stay together and create positive outcomes

Join us in Our Mission

Your generosity can help us continue to provide a home away from home for families in need. Together, we can ensure that no family faces the journey to healing alone.

By supporting Hattie’s House, you become a vital part of our mission to provide hope, comfort, and healing. Thank you for your generosity.